Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is often referred to as a dark murderer, because it is disease that can kill a person without previous symptoms as a warning for the sufferer. Even if the symptoms are often regarded as a normal phenomenon, so people realize it too late.

According to wikipedia, blood pressure is the pressure imposed on the vessel during arterial blood circulation caused by the throbbing heart. High blood pressure refers to the degree that is always higher than normal level for a long period of time.

High blood pressure is often referred to as a dark murderer, because it is disease that can kill a person without previous symptoms as a warning for the sufferer. Even if the symptoms are often regarded as a normal phenomenon, so people realize it too late.

According to wikipedia, blood pressure is the pressure imposed on the vessel during arterial blood circulation caused by the throbbing heart. High blood pressure refers to the degree that is always higher than normal level for a long period of time.

There are many things that can cause high blood pressure is. However, most of it is not known, but suspected as stress, children, smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity / exercise, consume liquor, kidney aberration, etc.
If there are many causes, there is also a result of many high blood pressure is. Result-a result can be: heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, weak heart, and blindness.

In fact the normal blood pressure varies in each person, depending on age and day-to-day activities. If the blood pressure is normal blood pressure than the person has high blood pressure. Blood pressure is normal, namely sistolik have between 120-130 and diastolik between 70-80.

To prevent this there are several ways, including:
1. Checking blood pressure regularly
2. Reducing food berkadar high salt
3. Perform physical activity 30 minutes each day
4. Doing aerobic sport (jogging, healthy way, renangn cycling, calisthenics) for 20-60 minutes and at least 3-5 times a week
5. No smoking
6. Maintain body weight
7. Controlling stress
8. Adequate rest

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

i don't know about blood bro

Anonim mengatakan...

i don't know about blood bro

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